sbt-pgp v2.0.0-M2 Release Notes

Release Date: 2018-08-24 // over 5 years ago
  • v1.1.2...v2.0.0-M2

    💥 Breaking change: useGpg by default

    sbt-pgp 1.x had useGpg set to false, which used Bouncy Castle a Java library for signing etc.
    0️⃣ Instead, sbt-pgp 2.0.0 flips the default to use the locally installed gpg.

    This is overridable from the system property SBT_PGP_USE_GPG:

    $ sbt -DSBT_PGP_USE_GPG=false

    #146 by @eed3si9n

    💥 Breaking change: camel case key name

    🏗 sbt-pgp 1.x had camelCase in the build.sbt, but kebab-case in the sbt shell.
    sbt-pgp 2.0.0 unifies them to camelCase.

    👍 pinentry support

    ➕ Adds a pinentry option to sbt-pgp, by using the --pinentry-mode loopback option.

    ➕ Adds a useGpgPinentry boolean key that if set with useGpg and useGpgAgent set, will use a specialized signer CommandLineGpgPinentrySigner.

    #142 by @wsargent

    🛠 Fixes the pgpSecretRing default

    🛠 Fixes the "Exit code: 2" error on gpg by fixing the default value for pgpSecretRing.

    #147 by @eed3si9n