
Programming language: Scala
License: MIT License
Tags: Geospatial    
Latest version: v1.0.7

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Scala library and Spark Connector focus on parsing PBF2 OpenStreetMap files as iterators.

At the moment, practically all OpenStreetMap data distribution are published using the osm pbf format because for publishing/distribution it is looking for size save. Because this format has been designed to achieve good compression, it is really complex to obtain an optimized way to process its content.


This library achieves two different goals:

Core library

With Osm4scala, you can forget about complexity of the osm.obf format and think about a scala iterators of primitives (nodes, ways and relations) or blob blocks.

For example, counting all node primitives in a file is so simple as:

EntityIterator.fromPbf(inputStream).count(_.osmModel == OSMTypes.Node)

This is a simple example, but because the iterator nature, you can use it for more complex tasks and patterns, to process data at the same time you are reading with near zero memory usage, for example.

The library allows to read the pbf file on two different ways:

  • Entity per entity as an EntityIterator, using any of the EntityIterator factories. This method allows you to iterate over OSMEntity trait objects, that could be any of the following: NodeEntity, WayEntity or WayEntity
  • Blob per blob as an BlobIterator, from any of the BlobIterator factories.

Dependencies: Download Core

  • Import the library using sbt. scala libraryDependencies += "com.acervera.osm4scala" %% "osm4scala-core" % "<version>"
  • Import the library using maven.

  • Only if you have problems resolving dependencies without it, add my bintray repo:

    resolvers += "osm4scala repo" at "http://dl.bintray.com/angelcervera/maven"

Spark Connector

With the Osm4scala Spark connector, is possible to read OSM Pbf file from Spark, Python, SQL or R, using the format name "osm.pbf" So nothing weird!


Next, the schema exposed:


Examples from spark-shell:

  1. Start the shell: ```shell script bin/spark-shell --packages 'com.acervera.osm4scala:osm4scala-spark-shaded_2.12:1.0.5'

    2. Load the data set and execute queries:
    scala> val osmDF = spark.sqlContext.read.format("osm.pbf").load("<osm files path here>")
    osmDF: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [id: bigint, type: tinyint ... 5 more fields]
    scala> osmDF.createOrReplaceTempView("osm")
    scala> spark.sql("select type, count(*) as num_primitives from osm group by type").show()
    |   1|        338795|
    |   2|         10357|
    |   0|       2328075|
    scala> spark.sql("select distinct(explode(map_keys(tags))) as tag_key from osm order by tag_key asc").show()
    |           tag_key|
    |             Calle|
    |        Conference|
    |             Exper|
    |             FIXME|
    |         ISO3166-1|
    |  ISO3166-1:alpha2|
    |  ISO3166-1:alpha3|
    | ISO3166-1:numeric|
    |         ISO3166-2|
    |           MAC_dec|
    |            Nombre|
    |            Numero|
    |              Open|
    |        Peluqueria|
    |    Residencia UEM|
    |          Telefono|
    |         abandoned|
    | abandoned:amenity|
    | abandoned:barrier|
    only showing top 20 rows
    scala> spark.sql("select id, latitude, longitude, tags from osm where type = 0").show()
    |      id|          latitude|          longitude|                tags|
    |  171933|          40.42006|-3.7016600000000004|                  []|
    |  171946|          40.42125|-3.6844500000000004|[highway -> traff...|
    |  171948|40.420230000000004|-3.6877900000000006|                  []|
    |  171951|40.417350000000006|-3.6889800000000004|                  []|
    |  171952|          40.41499|-3.6889800000000004|                  []|
    |  171953|          40.41277|-3.6889000000000003|                  []|
    |  171954|          40.40946|-3.6887900000000005|                  []|
    |  171959|          40.40326|-3.7012200000000006|                  []|
    |20952874|          40.42099|-3.6019200000000007|                  []|
    |20952875|40.422610000000006|-3.5994900000000007|                  []|
    |20952878| 40.42136000000001| -3.601470000000001|                  []|
    |20952879| 40.42262000000001| -3.599770000000001|                  []|
    |20952881| 40.42905000000001|-3.5970500000000007|                  []|
    |20952883| 40.43131000000001|-3.5961000000000007|                  []|
    |20952888| 40.42930000000001| -3.596590000000001|                  []|
    |20952890| 40.43012000000001|-3.5961500000000006|                  []|
    |20952891| 40.43043000000001|-3.5963600000000007|                  []|
    |20952892| 40.43057000000001|-3.5969100000000007|                  []|
    |20952893| 40.43039000000001|-3.5973200000000007|                  []|
    |20952895| 40.42967000000001|-3.5972300000000006|                  []|
    only showing top 20 rows
    scala> spark.sql("select id, nodes, tags from osm where type = 1").show()
    |     id|               nodes|                tags|
    |3996189|[23002322, 230022...|[name -> M-40, in...|
    |3996190|[20952892, 213645...|[name -> Avenida ...|
    |3996191|[21364526, 253693...|[lanes -> 2, onew...|
    |3996192|[20952914, 242495...|[name -> Plaza de...|
    |3996195|[20952923, 421448...|[name -> Calle de...|
    |3996196|[20952942, 209529...|[name -> Avenida ...|
    |3996197|[20952893, 209628...|[name -> Avenida ...|
    |3996199|[20952929, 209529...|[name -> Calle de...|
    |3996203|[20952948, 391553...|[name -> Calle de...|
    |3997425|[20960686, 219912...|[name -> Avenida ...|
    |3997426|[2424952617, 2095...|[name -> Avenida ...|
    |3997427|[20960717, 209606...|[name -> Calle de...|
    |3997428|[20960693, 209607...|[highway -> terti...|
    |3997429|[20960696, 421448...|[name -> Calle de...|
    |3997430|[20963025, 209630...|[name -> Paseo de...|
    |3997432|[20960688, 209607...|[name -> Calle de...|
    |3997433|[1811010970, 1811...|[name -> Calle de...|
    |4004278|[255148257, 21067...|[name -> Calle de...|
    |4004280|[20963101, 209630...|[name -> Calle de...|
    |4004281|[25530614, 297977...|[name -> Calle de...|
    only showing top 20 rows
    scala> spark.sql("select id, relations, tags from osm where type = 2").show()
    |   id|           relations|                tags|
    |11331|[[2609596233, 0, ...|[network -> Cerca...|
    |11332|[[196618381, 1, p...|[network -> Cerca...|
    |14612|[[24698019, 1, ou...|[website -> http:...|
    |30117|[[26629303, 1, ou...|[type -> multipol...|
    |30399|[[307006515, 1, i...|[website -> http:...|
    |38757|[[6120746, 1, ], ...|[network -> lcn, ...|
    |38965|[[44571128, 1, fr...|[type -> restrict...|
    |48292|[[317775809, 0, s...|[network -> Metro...|
    |49958|[[308868559, 0, v...|[type -> restrict...|
    |49959|[[308868558, 0, v...|[type -> restrict...|
    |50874|[[26141446, 1, ou...|[name -> Escuela ...|
    |52312|[[24531942, 1, ou...|[name -> Pista pr...|
    |52313|[[24698560, 1, ou...|[type -> multipol...|
    |53157|[[2609596077, 0, ...|[network -> Cerca...|
    |55085|[[246285922, 0, s...|[network -> Cerca...|
    |55087|[[194005015, 1, ]...|[network -> Cerca...|
    |55799|[[28775036, 1, ou...|[type -> multipol...|
    |56044|[[258556530, 0, s...|[network -> Metro...|
    |56260|[[144383571, 1, o...|[name -> Ayuntami...|
    |56791|[[32218973, 0, st...|[network -> Metro...|
    only showing top 20 rows

Examples from spark-sql

  1. Start the shell: shell script bin/spark-sql --packages 'com.acervera.osm4scala:osm4scala-spark-shaded_2.12:1.0.5' 2. Load the data set and execute queries: sql spark-sql> CREATE TABLE osm USING osm.pbf LOCATION '<osm files path here>' spark-sql> select id, latitude, longitude, tags from osm where type = 0 limit 20 171933 40.42006 -3.7016600000000004 {} 171946 40.42125 -3.6844500000000004 {"crossing":"traffic_signals","crossing_ref":"zebra","highway":"traffic_signals"} 171948 40.420230000000004 -3.6877900000000006 {} 171951 40.417350000000006 -3.6889800000000004 {} 171952 40.41499 -3.6889800000000004 {} 171953 40.41277 -3.6889000000000003 {} 171954 40.40946 -3.6887900000000005 {} 171959 40.40326 -3.7012200000000006 {} 20952874 40.42099 -3.6019200000000007 {} 20952875 40.422610000000006 -3.5994900000000007 {} 20952878 40.42136000000001 -3.601470000000001 {} 20952879 40.42262000000001 -3.599770000000001 {} 20952881 40.42905000000001 -3.5970500000000007 {} 20952883 40.43131000000001 -3.5961000000000007 {} 20952888 40.42930000000001 -3.596590000000001 {} 20952890 40.43012000000001 -3.5961500000000006 {} 20952891 40.43043000000001 -3.5963600000000007 {} 20952892 40.43057000000001 -3.5969100000000007 {} 20952893 40.43039000000001 -3.5973200000000007 {} 20952895 40.42967000000001 -3.5972300000000006 {}

Examples from pyspark

  1. Start the shell: shell script bin/pyspark --packages 'com.acervera.osm4scala:osm4scala-spark-shaded_2.12:1.0.5' 2. Load the data set and execute queries: python >>> osmDF = spark.read.format("osm.pbf").load("<osm files path here>") >>> osmDF DataFrame[id: bigint, type: tinyint, latitude: double, longitude: double, nodes: array<bigint>, relations: array<struct<id:bigint,relationType:tinyint,role:string>>, tags: map<string,string>] >>> osmDF.createOrReplaceTempView("osm") >>> spark.sql("select type, count(*) as num_primitives from osm group by type").show() +----+--------------+ |type|num_primitives| +----+--------------+ | 1| 338795| | 2| 10357| | 0| 2328075| +----+--------------+

Dependencies Download Spark Shaded

The simplest way to add the library to the job, is using the shaded flat jar.

  • Import the library using maven or sbt. libraryDependencies += "com.acervera.osm4scala" %% "osm4scala-spark-shaded" % "<version>"
  • Add the resolver only if you have problems resolving dependencies without it: resolvers += "osm4scala repo" at "http://dl.bintray.com/angelcervera/maven"

For example:

  • Submitting a job: shell script bin/spark-submit --packages 'com.acervera.osm4scala:osm4scala-spark-shaded_2.12:1.0.5' .....
  • Using in a Spark shell: shell script bin/spark-shell --packages 'com.acervera.osm4scala:osm4scala-spark-shaded_2.12:1.0.5' .....
  • Using in a Spark SQL shell: shell script bin/spark-sql --packages 'com.acervera.osm4scala:osm4scala-spark-shaded_2.12:1.0.5' .....
  • Using in a Spark R shell:

    bin/sparkR --packages 'com.acervera.osm4scala:osm4scala-spark-shaded_2.12:1.0.5'
  • Using in a PySpark shell:

    bin/pyspark --packages 'com.acervera.osm4scala:osm4scala-spark-shaded_2.12:1.0.5'

Why osm4scala-spark-shaded is available as fat shaded library?

Osm4scala has a transitive dependency with Java Google Protobuf library. Spark, Hadoop and other libraries in the ecosystem are using an old version of the same library (currently v2.5.0 from Mar, 2013) that is not compatible.

To solve the conflict, I published the library in to fashion:

  • Fat and Shaded as osm4scala-spark-shaded that solves com.google.protobuf.** conflicts.
  • Don't shaded as osm4scala-spark, so you can solve the conflict on your way.

Selecting the right Versions

It is important to choose the right version depending of your Scala version.

osm4scala Scala Scalapb Spark
1.0.5 2.12, 2.13 0.10.2 3.0.*
1.0.4 2.12, 2.13 0.10.2 NA
1.0.3 2.11, 2.12, 2.13 0.9.7 NA
1.0.1 2.11, 2.12 0.5.47 NA
1.0 2.10, 2.11 0.5.47 NA

Why osm4scala is not available for all Scala version?

osm4scala use ScalaPB library for Google Protobuf parsing. This library is not supporting Scala 2.11 in the more recent versions. Branch 1.0.3 will be update with all new functionalities, like latest 1.0.* version.


The performance of the first version looks really good. You can find a resume in the section Concurrent examples comparision

Laptop specifications used to execute testing and performance comparison:

Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS Desktop / 64bits
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4712HQ CPU @ 2.30GHz
2x8GiB SODIMM DDR3 Synchronous 1600 MHz (0.6 ns)

One thread performance.

To have more representative performance metrics, all metrics in this section are using only one thread.

For example, it expends only 32 seconds to iterate over near of 70 millions of elements that compose Spain. Below the result of few executions of the [Primitives Counter Example](examples/counter/src/main/scala/com/acervera/osm4scala/examples/counter/Counter.scala) available in the code.

Found [67,976,861] primitives in /home/angelcervera/projects/osm/spain-latest.osm.pbf in 32.44 sec.
Found [4,839,505] primitives of type [Way] in /home/angelcervera/projects/osm/spain-latest.osm.pbf in 31.72 sec.
Found [63,006,432] primitives of type [Node] in /home/angelcervera/projects/osm/spain-latest.osm.pbf in 32.70 sec.
Found [130,924] primitives of type [Relation] in /home/angelcervera/projects/osm/spain-latest.osm.pbf in 32.66 sec.

Other example, iterate over the full planet (near of 4,000 millions of elements on August 2016), 40 minutes, reading the 36GB file from an USB3 drive.

Found [3,976,885,170] primitives in /media/angelcervera/My Passport/osm/planet-latest.osm.pbf in 2,566.11 sec.

The other example, [Tag Extraction Example](examples/tagsextraction/src/main/scala/com/acervera/osm4scala/examples/tagsextraction/TagExtraction.scala) expends only 42 seconds to extract the list of all unique tags from the Spain pbf.

Found [4,166] different tags in /home/angelcervera/projects/osm/spain-latest.osm.pbf. List stored in /home/angelcervera/projects/osm/spain-latest.tags.txt. Time to process: 39.22 sec.
Found [2,451] different tags in primitives of type [Way] in /home/angelcervera/projects/osm/spain-latest.osm.pbf. List stored in /home/angelcervera/projects/osm/spain-latest.tags.txt. Time to process: 33.47 sec.

And the use of memory is negligible. All previous performance metrics are using using a single thread. Check examples bellow for parallel processing.


In the project, there is a folder called "examples" with few simple examples.

Counter (One thread) [Source](examples/counter/src/main/scala/com/acervera/osm4scala/examples/counter/Counter.scala) .

Count the number of primitives in a pbf file, with he possibility of filter by primitive type.

Counter Parallel using Scala Future.traverse [Source](examples/counter-parallel/src/main/scala/com/acervera/osm4scala/examples/counterparallel/CounterParallel.scala).

Because the library implements different iterator to be able to iterate over blocks and entities, it is really simple to use it in a parallel way.

This example show how to process data in parallel, using only Scala Future.traverse

This is the simple way, but has a big problem: Futures.traverse create sequentially one Future per element in the Iterator and parallel is executing them. That means put all block in memory. This is ok if you have enough memory (16GB is enough to manage all USA or Europe) but if you want process the full planet or a heavy memory consume process per block, you will need more than that (Check example with AKKA).

  val counter = new AtomicLong()
  def count(pbfIS: InputStream): Long = {
    val result = Future.traverse(BlobTupleIterator.fromPbf(pbfIS))(tuple => Future {
      counter.addAndGet( count(tuple._2) )
    Await.result(result, Duration.Inf)
Counter Parallel using AKKA [Source](examples/counter-akka/src/main/scala/com/acervera/osm4scala/examples/counterakka).

This example show how to process data in parallel, using AKKA

The implementation is not complex at all, but it is necessary a little bit (a really little bit) of knowledge about AKKA to understand it. Two big advantage respect the Future.traverse version:

  • The memory used depends directly on the number of actor used, so you can process the full planet with no more of few GB of RAM.
  • It is possible distribute the execution in different nodes.
Counter Concurrent examples comparison.
Ireland and North Ireland
  • Entities: 15,751,251
  • Counter (One thread): 8.91 sec.
  • Concurrent Future.traverse: 5.31 sec.
  • Concurrent AKKA 4 cores: 5.89 sec.
  • Entities: 67,976,861
  • Counter (One thread): 35.67 sec.
  • Concurrent Future.traverse: 17.33 sec.
  • Concurrent AKKA 4 cores: 16.82 sec.
North America (USA and Canada)
  • Entities: 944,721,636
  • Counter (One thread): 514 sec. / 8.5 min.
  • Concurrent Future.traverse: 211 sec. / 3.5 min. (-XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit -Xms14g)
  • Concurrent AKKA 4 cores: 256.70 sec. / 4.27 min. -> But only uses 4 cores and 128M of RAM, so can play "Solitaire" while you wait.
Tags extraction [Source](examples/tagsextraction/src/main/scala/com/acervera/osm4scala/examples/tagsextraction/TagExtraction.scala).

Extract a list of unique tags from an osm.pbf file, optionally filtering by primitive type. The list is stored in a file given as parameter.


  • Protobuf compiler (only if you want build the library):

    Every OS has a different installation process. Has been tested with version 2.6.1

    Install in Ubuntu:

    sudo apt-get install protobuf-compiler

As reference:


*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the osm4scala README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.