FS2 v3.0.0-M2 Release Notes

Release Date: 2020-10-23 // over 3 years ago
  • πŸš€ FS2 3.0.0-M2 is the second milestone in the 3.x release series, featuring support for Cats Effect 3. Like Cats Effect 3, we expect a number of milestone releases before a 3.0.0 final release. Neither binary nor source compatibility with FS2 2.x is provided, though APIs are largely the same and porting should not be a large task.

    πŸš€ The primary feature of FS2 3.0 is support for the Cats Effect 3 type class hierarchy. The Cats Effect 3.0.0-M2 release notes provide a great overview of the changes.

    πŸš€ If you're coming from FS2 2.x, be sure to check out the release notes for v3.0.0-M1.

    πŸš€ Besides integration with cats.effect.std.Dispatcher, this release contains a few new features:

    • ⏱ TimedPull, a new type which simplifies implementing pulls that timeout (#2062)
    • Stream.bracketFull, providing the ability to have controlled interruptible resource acquisition (#2088)
    • Removal of Stream#translateInterruptible (#2082)
    • βž• Addition of the fs2.io.Network[F] capability trait (#2071)

      git shortlog -sn --no-merges "v3.0.0-M1".."v3.0.0-M2" 75 Fabio Labella 21 mpilquist 10 Daniel Vigovszky 7 Scala Steward 6 Michael Pilquist 3 Diego E. Alonso Blas 1 Lucas Satabin 1 RafaΕ‚ Krzewski 1 Lars Hupel 1 satorg