Fintrospect v10.0.0 Release Notes

    • ⬆️ Upgrade from finagle-http v6.27.0 to finagle-httpx v6.29.0, as the former is EOL. This will result in a significant amount of breaking changes due to Finagle using their own httpx classes instead of Netty equivalents:
      • References to HttpRequest/Response Netty classes are now Request/Response instead
      • References to HttpResponseStatus changed to Status
      • References to HttpMethod.GET/POST/... changd to Method.Get/Post/...
      • References to Http.XXX() will now use Httpx.XXX() instead
    • Other than the above, no actual changes to the Fintrospect API or how it works have been made.
    • ➕ Added OK and HttpResponse alias methods to the ResponseBuilder to avoid name clashes with new HttpX methods. Deprecated Ok() and Response() methods for clarity.