Bitcoin-S-Core v0.0.3 Release Notes

Release Date: 2019-01-10 // over 5 years ago
  • First tag in bitcoin-s.

    You need to add the Bitcoin-S Bintray to your resolvers to be able to access published artifacts.

    With sbt, this can be done like this:

    resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("bitcoin-s", "bitcoin-s-core"),

    Now you should be able to add Bitcoin-S artifacts like this:

    "org.bitcoins" % "bitcoin-s-secp256k1jni" % "0.0.3""org.bitcoins" %% "bitcoin-s-core" % "0.0.3" withSources() withJavadoc()"org.bitcoins" %% "bitcoin-s-bitcoind-rpc" % "0.0.3" withSources() withJavadoc()"org.bitcoins" %% "bitcoin-s-eclair-rpc" % "0.0.3" withSources() withJavadoc()"org.bitcoins" %% "bitcoin-s-testkit" % "0.0.3" withSources() withJavadoc()"org.bitcoins" %% "bitcoin-s-zmq" % "0.0.3" withSources() withJavadoc()