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Changelog History
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  • v18.5.0 Changes

    ๐Ÿ› Bug Fixes

    * util-core: `c.t.concurrent.AsyncSemaphore` no longer completes promises while holding
      its intrinsic lock. ``PHAB_ID=D167434``
    * ๐ŸŒฒ util-logging: Fix incorrect `loggerName` in `c.t.logging.ScribeHandler` which
      prevented the short-circuiting of publishing messages emitted from the ScribeHandler.
    * util-hashing: Add murmur3, a fast, non-cryptographic hashing function that
      is missing from hashing.
  • v18.4.0 Changes

    ๐Ÿ†• New Features

    * util-app: Add the ability to bind specific implementations for `LoadService.apply`
      via `App.loadServiceBindings`. ``PHAB_ID=D146554``
    * util-core: Introduce the `ClosableOnce` trait which extends the guarantees of
      `Closable` to include idempotency of the `close` method. ``PHAB_ID=D152000``
    โš™ Runtime Behavior Changes
    • util-app: Add visibility for NonFatal exceptions during exiting of Added visibility into any NonFatal exceptions which occur during the closing of resources during App#close. PHAB_ID=D146029

    • util-core: Ensure the Awaitable.CloseAwaitably0.closeAwaitably Future returns. Because the closed AtomicBoolean is flipped, we want to make sure that executing the passed in f function satisfies the onClose Promise even the cases of thrown exceptions. PHAB_ID=D146565

    • ๐Ÿ–จ util-stats: Alphabetically sort stats printed to the given PrintStream in the c.t.finagle.stats.InMemoryStatsReceiver#print(PrintStream) function.

    To include stats headers which provide better visual separation for the different types of stats being printedm, set includeHeaders to true. E.g.,

      InMemoryStatsReceiver#print(PrintStream, includeHeaders = true)


  • v18.3.0 Changes

    โš™ Runtime Behavior Changes

    * ๐Ÿ“œ util-app: Ensure that any flag parsing error reason is written to `System.err`
      before attempting to print flag usage. In the event that collecting flags for
      the printing the usage message fails, users will still receive a useful message
      as to why flag parsing failed. ``PHAB_ID=D137629``
    * util-core: Promises/Futures now use LIFO execution order for their callbacks
      (was depth-based algorithm before).  ``PHAB_ID=D135407``
    * util-core: Wrap the function passed to `Closable.make` in a try/catch and return
      a `Future.exception` over any NonFatal exception. ``PHAB_ID=D142086``
    ๐Ÿ—„ Deprecations
    * ๐Ÿ—„ util-core: RichU64* APIs are deprecated. Use Java 8 Unsigned Long API instead:
      - `new RichU64String("123").toU64Long` -> `Long.parseUnsignedInt`
      - `new RichU64Long(123L).toU64HexString` -> `Long.toHexString` (no leading zeros)
  • v18.2.0 Changes

    ๐Ÿ†• New Features

    * util-core: Added implicit conversion for percentage specified as "x.percent"
      to a fractional Double in `c.t.conversions.percent`. ``PHAB_ID=D128792``
    * util-tunable: Add deserializer for `c.t.u.StorageUnit` to JsonTunableMapper
    โš™ Runtime Behavior Changes
    • util-app: When c.t.a.App.exitOnError is called, it now gives close an opportunity to clean up resources before exiting with an error. PHAB_ID=D129437
  • v18.1.0 Changes

    ๐Ÿ†• New Features

    * ๐Ÿ”’ util-security: Added `` for reading
      Certificate Revocation List PEM formatted `X509CRL` files.
  • v17.12.0 Changes

    ๐Ÿ’ฅ Breaking API Changes

    * ๐Ÿšš util-collection: `c.t.util.SetMaker` has been removed.
      Direct usage of Guava is recommended if needed. ``PHAB_ID=D116852``
  • v17.11.0 Changes


    * ๐Ÿšš Guava has been removed as dependency from all modules except the
      'util-cache-guava' module. ``PHAB_ID=D117039``
    ๐Ÿ†• New Features
    • ๐Ÿ”’ util-security: Added for reading PKCS#8 PEM formatted PrivateKey files. PHAB_ID=D105266

    ๐Ÿ› Bug Fixes

    * ๐Ÿ›  util-core: `` will only represent bytes
      explicitly written instead of the full size of the backing array, `size`.
    ๐Ÿ’ฅ Breaking API Changes
    • util-cache: The Guava dependency and its associated implementations have been moved to a new module, 'util-cache-guava'. PHAB_ID=D117039

    • util-cache: c.t.cache.EvictingCache.lazily now takes a FutureCache instead of an implementation specific cache. PHAB_ID=D117039

  • v17.10.0 Changes

    ๐Ÿš€ Release Version Changes:

    * ๐Ÿš€ From now on, release versions will be based on release date in the format of
      YY.MM.x where x is a patch number. ``PHAB_ID=D101244``
    ๐Ÿ†• New Features
    * util-intellij: Create util-intellij project and publish IntelliJ capture
      points plugin for debugging asynchronous stack traces of code using Twitter
      Futures in Scala 2.11.11. ``PHAB_ID=D96782``
    ๐Ÿ’ฅ Breaking API Changes
    * util-app: and letClear are now generic in their return type.
    ๐Ÿ› Bug Fixes
    * util-core: Fix Buf.ByteArray.Shared.apply(bytes,begin,end) constructor function.
    โš™ Runtime Behavior Changes
    • util-core:[Owned.Shared](Array[Byte], begin, end) now validates its input arguments. PHAB_ID=D100648

    • ๐Ÿšš util-jvm: The jvm/mem/postGC/{poolName}/max metric has been removed because it is the same as the jvm/mem/current/{poolName}/max metric. PHAB_ID=D95291

    • ๐Ÿ”’ util-security: Assert validity of X.509 certificates when read from a file. Attempting to read a will now assert that the certificate is valid, i.e., if the current date and time are within the validity period given in the certificate. PHAB_ID=D88745

  • v7.1.0 Changes

    September 06, 2017

    ๐Ÿ’ฅ Breaking API Changes

    * ๐Ÿšš util-events: Module has been removed. ``PHAB_ID=D82346``
    * ๐Ÿ‘• util-lint: Add GlobalRules#withRules for testing. Allow for the ability to
      specify a global rules set for use in testing. ``PHAB_ID=D83506``
  • v7.0.0 Changes

    August 15, 2017

    ๐Ÿ†• New Features

    * util-core: Added `c.t.util.SlowProbeProxyTimer` for monitoring the duration
      of execution for timer tasks. ``PHAB_ID=D70279``
    * util-core: Introduced RootMonitor#set to set custom Monitor to RootMonitor.
    * ๐Ÿšš util-jvm: `JvmStats` has been moved here from TwitterServer allowing broader
      access to many metrics including GC, allocations, memory, and more.
    * ๐Ÿ‘€ util-stats: Introducing Verbosity Levels for StatsReceivers (see docs on `StatsReceiver`
      for more info). ``PHAB_ID=D70112``
    * util-tunable: `c.t.u.tunable.Tunable`, `c.t.u.tunable.TunableMap`,
      `c.t.u.tunable.JsonTunableMapper`, and `c.t.u.tunable.ServiceLoadedTunableMap` are now public.
      This allows users to create and use Tunables, a mechanism for accessing dynamically
      configured values. See
      for details on how these can be used in Finagle. ``PHAB_ID=D80751``.
    ๐Ÿ› Bug Fixes
    * util-core: Fix some consistency issues with `c.t.util.ByteReaderImpl`. Advance its
      cursor by the number of bytes consumed via `readBytes(Int)`, not the number specified
      as a method argument. `readString` will now throw an UnderflowException if the number
      of bytes specified exceeds the remaining buffer length instead of silently making due
      with the rest of the buffer's contents. ``PHAB_ID=D78301``
    โš™ Runtime Behavior Changes
    • util-core: c.t.util.Closable.sequence now continues processing the Closables should any of their closes result in a failed Future and will return the first failure. Synchronous exceptions are now handled by lifting them into failed Futures. PHAB_ID=D62418

    • 0๏ธโƒฃ util-events: now defaults to false in preparation for removal in an upcoming release. PHAB_ID=D64437

    ๐Ÿ’ฅ Breaking API Changes

    * util-core: ByteWriter has been transformed into a true trait which can now
      be implemented outside of the package. ``PHAB_ID=D59996``
    * ๐Ÿšš util-core: The method ByteWriter.owned() has been moved to a sub trait,
      BufByteWriter, to separate the notion of the target buffer representation from the
      writer methods in order to make it easier to target different buffer representations.
    * util-stats: ``PHAB_ID=D59762``
     - `ProxyStatsReceiver.self` is now protected (was public before).
     - `StatsReceiver.repr` is now `def` (was `val` before).
    * util-stats: `Counter#add` now takes a `Long` instead of an `Integer` as an argument.
    * util-stats: `StatsReceiver#counter`, `StatsReceiver#stat`, and `StatsReceiver.addGauge`
      now may optionally take `c.t.f.stats.Verbosity` as a first argument. ``PHAB_ID=D70112``
    ๐Ÿ—„ Deprecations
    * ๐Ÿšš util-events: This module is deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming
      release. ``PHAB_ID=D64437``
    * util-stats: ``PHAB_ID=D62611``
      - `StatsReceiver.counter0` is deprecated in favour of vararg `StatsReceiver.counter`
      - `StatsReceiver.stat0` is deprecated in favour of vararg `StatsReceiver.stat`