
Programming language: Scala
License: MIT License
Tags: Sbt Plugins    
Latest version: v0.4.1

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A scala compiler plugin for more concise errors

This plugin removes some of the redundancy of the compiler output and prints additional info for implicit resolution errors.


built-in - Scala 2.13.6+

Most features in splain 0.5.8 has been integrated into Scala 2.13.6 compiler through this patch.

  • Recommended if using Scala 2.13 and only splain 0.5.8 features. However, ...
  • This integration is not 100%! Configuration parameters have to be given new names to be compliant with the compiler standard. Many features are also discarded.

v1.x (current) - Scala 2.13.6+

The above integration introduces a new compiler extension type (AnalyzerPlugin) that rendered most of old source code for splain v0.x incompatible or redundant. Thus, the team have decided to move on to the next major version, designed from scratch to have a cleaner architecture and better test coverage. Unfortunately, it will not be available for Scala 2.13.5-

  • Recommended if using Scala 2.13 and the latest splain features/bugfixes.
  • PRs and issues submitted for it will be given priority.

v0.x (maintenance) - Scala 2.12, 2.13.5-

The latest v0.x will continue to be maintained and published regularly to stay compatible with the latest Scala 2.12.x release (until it's end-of-life), but no newer version will be published for Scala 2.13, splain 0.5.8 will be the last release for Scala 2.13.

If you are already using Scala 2.13, the team strongly recommend you to upgrade, and submit bug report and test cases directly to the latest v1.x.

  • Recommended if using Scala 2.12.


v1.x, v0.x

Include this line in your build.sbt (not project/plugins.sbt!!):

addCompilerPlugin("io.tryp" % "splain" % "0.5.8" cross CrossVersion.patch)

If you want to support scala versions both newer and older than 2.12.5, use:

libraryDependencies += {
  val v =
    if (scalaVersion.value.replaceFirst(raw"\.(\d)$$",".0$1") <= "2.12.04") "0.4.1"
    else "0.5.8"
  ("io.tryp" %% "splain" % v cross CrossVersion.patch).withConfigurations(Some("plugin->default(compile)"))

If you are using gradle with scala plugin, include this line under the dependency section of your build.gradle:

scalaCompilerPlugins group: 'io.tryp', name: 'splain_${scalaVersion}', version: '0.5.8'

or build.gradle.kts:



Do nothing! It is already built-in. Its 2 minimal features however has to be enabled manually, by the following 2 compiler arguments (see Configuration for details):

-Vimplicits -Vtype-diffs


The plugin can be configured via compiler arguments with the format:

v0.x built-in, v1.x
-P:splain:<param>[:<value>] -<param>[ <value>]

param can be one of the following:

v0.x built-in, v1.x default value
all (dropped)
infix (dropped)
foundreq Vtype-diffs
implicits Vimplicits
bounds (dropped) false
color (dropped)
breakinfix (dropped) 0
tree Vimplicits-verbose-tree
compact (dropped) false
boundsimplicits (dropped)
truncrefined Vimplicits-max-refined 0
rewrite (dropped) (do not rewrite)
keepmodules (dropped) 0

value can either be true or false. If omitted, the default is true for both value and parameter.

The parameter all can be used to deactivate all features.

The parameters can be applied like this:

(in sbt)

scalacOptions += "-P:splain:implicits:false"

(in gradle with scala plugin)

withType<ScalaCompile> {
    scalaCompileOptions.apply {
        additionalParameters = listOf("-P:splain:implicits:false")

infix types

Instead of shapeless.::[A, HNil], prints A :: HNil.

found/required types

Rather than printing up to four types, only the dealiased types are shown as a colored diff:


special consideration for shapeless.Record:


In the case of refined types in the form of Client with Database with Publisher, the types will be matched with each other and a missing or surplus type will be indicated by a <none> label.

implicit resolution chains

When an implicit is not found, only the outermost error at the invocation point is printed. This can be expanded with the compiler flag -Xlog-implicits, but that also shows all invalid implicits for parameters that have been resolved successfully. This feature prints a compact list of all involved implicits: [implicits](img/implicits.jpg)

Here, !I stands for could not find implicit value, the name of the implicit parameter is in yellow, and its type in green.

If the parameter tree is set, the candidates will be indented according to their nesting level:


If the parameter compact is set, only the first and last implicit in a chain will be printed.

If the parameter boundsimplicits is set to false, any nonconformant bounds errors will be suppressed.

For comparison, this is the regular compiler output for this case (with formatted types):

[info] unit/src/basic.scala:35: f is not a valid implicit value for
splain.ImplicitChain.T2 because:
[info] hasMatchingSymbol reported error: could not find implicit value for
parameter impPar2: (D *** (C *** String)) >:< ((C,D,C) *** D)
[info]   implicitly[T1]
[info]             ^
[info] unit/src/basic.scala:35: g is not a valid implicit value for
splain.ImplicitChain.T1 because:
[info] hasMatchingSymbol reported error: could not find implicit value for
parameter impPar1: D *** ((C >:< C) *** (D => Unit))
[info]   implicitly[T1]
[info]             ^
[error] unit/src/basic.scala:35: could not find implicit value for
parameter e: (C *** D) >:< C with D {type A = D; type B = C}
[error]   implicitly[T1]

infix type and type argument line breaking

If the parameter breakinfix is given and greater than 0, types longer than that number will be split into multiple lines:

implicit error;
!I e: String
f invalid because
!I impPar4: List[
    VeryLongTypeName ::::
    VeryLongTypeName ::::
    VeryLongTypeName ::::
  (Short :::: Short) ::::
    VeryLongTypeName ::::
    VeryLongTypeName ::::
    VeryLongTypeName ::::
  VeryLongTypeName ::::
  VeryLongTypeName ::::
  VeryLongTypeName ::::

truncating refined types

A type of the shape T { type A = X; type B = Y } will be displayed as T {...} if the parameter truncrefined is set to a value /= 0 and the refinement's length is greater than the value.

truncating module paths

Default behaviour when printing type names is to omit the whole module path and only print the last segment. Two options modify this behaviour:

regex rewrite

The option rewrite takes a string that is parsed as a ;-delimited list of regexes and optional replacements.

For example:


This parses as two rewrite items:

  • transform cats.data into cd
  • delete all occurences of .Type

If a slash is present, the string following it will be used as a replacement for the matched text. If it is absent, the empty string is substituted.

dropping module segments by count

The option keepmodules determines how many segments of the module path before the type name will be displayed, but only if the rewrite mechanism hasn't changed anything.

So with -P:splain:keepmodules:2, the qualified type cats.free.FreeT.Suspend will be displayed as free.FreeT.Suspend, keeping the two segments free.FreeT before the type name. The default is 0, so only the type name itself will be displayed



Due to the nature of the hack that allows splain to hook into the implicit search algorithm, other plugins using the same trick may not work or cause splain to be inactive.

Another victim of splain is scaladoc – doc comments might disappear when running the task with splain active, so make sure it is disabled before doing so.

Users are encouraged to submit issues and test cases directly through pull requests, by forking the project and adding new test cases under:

v0.x v1.x
<project root>/src/test/scala/splain <project root>/core/src/test/scala/splain/plugin

The bug can thus be identified by the team quickly on our continuous integration environment. Submission on our GitHub issue tracker is also welcomed, but it generally takes much longer for the team to respond.

How to compile


Built with the latest stable SBT. to compile and publish locally:

sbt clean publishM2

to run all tests:

sbt test


Built with the latest Gradle, to compile and publish locally:

./gradlew clean testClasses publishToMavenLocal

to run all tests:

./gradlew test

How to edit

Most project contributors uses neovim, IntelliJ IDEA or visual studio code.

The team strive for a strong discipline in software engineering. All commits (including SNAPSHOTs and PRs) will be compliant with scalalfmt standard.


  • @tek - reviewer for built-in/v0.x bugfix, new features
  • @tribbloid - reviewer for v1.x bugfix
  • @dwijnand - reviewer for scala compiler integration