Scrooge v3.0.7 Release Notes

    • All on-wire names in the Thrift messages are now consistent with Apache generated code. This allows Scrooge generated services to exchange Thrift messages with Apache generated services.
    • Title case ids now preserve consecutive upper case letters. Eg:


    TBird (original) -> Tbird (old) -> TBird (now)

    See test case in scrooge-generator/src/test/scala/com/twitter/scrooge/ASTSpec.scala

    • 🔌 scrooge-maven-plugin now enforces an explicit white list in . The old behavior is that if a dependency artifact has a "idl" classifier, we will extract thrift files from it to compile. The new behavior is that the artifact must be explicitly included in . The dependencies here include both direct dependencies(specified in project pom file) and indirect dependencies (everything in the dependency tree).
    • 👍 Now supports "scala" as a namespace scope. It is treated same as "java".
    • 0️⃣ Now supports "*" as a default namespace scope