Scrooge v18.2.0 Release Notes

    • scrooge-generator: Add asClosable method to ServicePerEndpoint and ReqRepServicePerEndpoint interfaces as well. PHAB_ID=D134171

    • 🚚 scrooge-generator: Remove unused functionToService and serviceToFunction methods along with ServiceType and ReqRepServiceType type aliases in order to simplify code generation.

    NOTE: This functionality can be manually replicated by users if/when needed to convert between a Function1 and a Finagle Service. PHAB_ID=D132171

    • scrooge-generator: Scala generated client now has a asClosable method returns c.t.u.Closable, client now can be closed by calling client.asClosable.close. Note that asClosable won't be generated if it is also defined by the user. PHAB_ID=D129645

    • scrooge-generator: Renamed subclasses of com.twitter.scrooge.RichResponse: ProtocolExceptionResponse, SuccessfulResponse, and ThriftExceptionResponse. These case classes are for representing different response types and should be only used by the generated code. PHAB_ID=D132202