Scrooge v17.12.0 Release Notes

    • scrooge: Introduce scrooge.Request and scrooge.Response envelopes which are used in ReqRepServicePerEndpoint interfaces and associated code. The scrooge Request and Response allow for passing "header" information (via ThriftMux Message contexts) between clients and servers. For instance, a server can implement a ReqRepServicePerEndpoint, and set response headers along with a method response, e.g.,

    .. code-block:: scala

     class MyService extends MyService.ReqRepServicePerEndpoint {
       def foo: Service[Request[Foo.Args], Response[Foo.SuccessType]] = {[Request[Foo.Args], Response[Foo.SuccessType]] { request: Request[Foo.Args] =>
           val result = ... // computations
                 headers = Map("" -> Seq(Buf.Utf8("value1"))),

    This ServicePerEndpoint can then be served using ThriftMux:

    .. code-block:: scala

     ThriftMux.server.serveIface(":9999", new MyService().toThriftService)

    These response headers will be transported as Mux#contexts to the client. If the client is using the client-side ReqRepServicePerEndpoint it will be able to read the headers from the returned Response directly. E.g.,

    .. code-block:: scala

     val client = ThriftMux.client.reqRepServicePerEndpoint[MyService.ReqRepServicePerEndpoint]
     val response: Response[Foo.SuccessType] = Await.result(
     if (response.headers.contains("")) {

    Users can also choose to wrap the ReqRepServicePerEndpoint with a MethodPerEndpoint via ThriftMux.client.reqRepMethodPerEndpoint(reqRepServicePerEndpoint) in order to deal with methods instead of services. See the scrooge documentation for more information. PHAB_ID=D107397