Scalaxb v1.4.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2016-07-18 // almost 8 years ago
  • SOAP/REST changes

    • ➕ Adds requestTimeout and connectionTimeout to DispatchHttpClients. #304 by @eed3si9n
    • ➕ Adds --no-dispatch-client option (generateDispatchClient := false). #322 by @liff
    • ➕ Adds --dispatch-as option (generateDispatchAs := true) for Dispatch's Http(request > as.scalaxb[A]) support. #332 by @arkadius

    other enhancements

    • ➕ Adds --ignore-unknown option (ignoreUnknown := true) to ignore unknown XML elements, as well as order in which they are arrived. #310 by @jet-black
    • ➕ Adds --no-varargs option to use Seq instead of the varargs. #292/#309 by @lbruand and @Erwan56
    • 👌 Improves handling of duplicate enumeration values. #308 by @donderom
    • 🔨 Refactors configuration into a sequence of case classes. #342 by @eed3si9n

    🐛 bug fixes

    ⚠ compiler warnings

    ⚠ The code generated by scalaxb 1.4.0 should no longer generate compiler warnings.

    • ➕ Adds SIP-18 imports to the generated code. #294 by @carl297r
    • ✂ Removes "adapting argument list" and other compiler warnings from the generetad code. #321 by @liff
    • ✂ Removes compiler warnings from the scalaxb code. #335 by @justjoheinz
    • ✂ Removes postfix usages in the generated code.
    • ➕ Adds -Xfatal-warnings during the integration tests. #343 by @eed3si9n


    A huge thanks to everyone who has helped to improve scalaxb by reporting bugs and sending pull requests!

    🚀 According to git shortlog -sn --no-merges 1.3.0..release/1.4.0 ten people contributed to this release: Eugene Yokota (@eed3si9n), @jet-black, Olli Helenius (@liff), Lucas Bruand (@lbruand), Markus Klink (@justjoheinz), Carl Livermore (@carl297r), Arek Burdach (@arkadius), Joe Barnes (@joescii), @Erwan56, Roman Parykin (@donderom).