sbt-pgp v2.1.1 Release Notes

Release Date: 2020-12-02 // over 3 years ago
  • ๐Ÿš€ This is identical to 2.1.0, but Bintray keeps failing to publish ivy.xml for sbt-pgp 2.1.0, so here's a new release.

    ๐Ÿ‘ gpg 2 support

    ๐Ÿ‘ท sbt-pgp 2.1.1 adds support for gpg 2.1 and above. Previous to this fix, "Exit code: 2" was often reported on CI systems with gpg 2.1 and above:

    [error] gpg: signing failed: No such file or directory
    [error] gpg: signing failed: No such file or directory
    [error] java.lang.RuntimeException: Failure running 'gpg --batch --passphrase **** --detach-sign --armor --use-agent --output /some/output/file /some/input/file. Exit code: 2

    This is because --passphrase option requires --pinentry-mode loopback options as well, which is not compatible with gpg 1.4. To fix this, sbt-pgp will attempt to detect the version number. #184 by @eed3si9n

    note for automatic publishing

    ๐Ÿš€ In addition to sbt-pgp 2.1.1, sbt-ci-release will require a similar change. To workaround that create a file named .github/

    #!/bin/bashecho $PGP\_SECRET | base64 --decode | gpg --batch --import

Previous changes from v2.0.2

  • ๐Ÿ–จ sbt-pgp 2.0.2 fixes the long-standing annoyance #174, which printed stderr messages from gpg CLI as [error] log.


    sbt:test> signedArtifacts
    [info] Wrote /path/to/sbt-pgp/src/sbt-test/sbt-pgp/credentials/target/scala-2.13/test_2.13-1.0.pom
    [error] gpg: using "..." as default secret key for signing
    [error] gpg: using "..." as default secret key for signing
    [error] gpg: using "..." as default secret key for signing
    [error] gpg: using "..." as default secret key for signing
    [success] Total time: 1 s, completed 2020/10/18 17:39:40


    sbt:test> signedArtifacts
    [info] Wrote /path/to/sbt-pgp/src/sbt-test/sbt-pgp/credentials/target/scala-2.13/test_2.13-1.0.pom
    [info] gpg: using "..." as default secret key for signing
    [info] gpg: using "..." as default secret key for signing
    [info] gpg: using "..." as default secret key for signing
    [info] gpg: using "..." as default secret key for signing
    [success] Total time: 1 s, completed 2020/10/18 17:40:33

    This was contributed by Mitsuhiro Shibuya-san (@mshibuya) during ScalaMatsuri 2020 Day 2 OSS Hackathon.