sangria v1.4.1 Release Notes

Release Date: 2018-05-12 // almost 6 years ago

    Added support for extend schema in SDL (spec change) (#362). It adds following syntax in the SDL:

    extend schema @extraDirective { mutation: MutationType}

    Ambiguity with null variable values and default values (spec change) (#359).

    Add optional 'extensions' entry to errors (spec change) (#358).

    CAUTION: breaking change. All additional error object fields that were provided via HandledException are now added to the extensions field

    Before v1.4.1:

    { "data": { "books": null }, "errors": [{ "message": "Can't access the database :'(", "path": ["books"], "locations": [{"line": 3, "column": 11}], "errorCode": "DATABASE\_DOWN", "mitigationStrategy": "Panic!" }] }

    After v1.4.1:

    { "data": { "books": null }, "errors": [{ "message": "Can't access the database :'(", "path": ["books"], "locations": [{"line": 3, "column": 11}], "extensions": { "errorCode": "DATABASE\_DOWN", "mitigationStrategy": "Panic!" } }] }

    0️⃣ For backward-compatibility, HandledException now provides 2 additional fields: addFieldsInExtensions (by default true) and addFieldsInError (by default false). You can also set both flags to true in order to provide a migration path for the client applications.

    Ensure interface has at least 1 concrete type (spec change) (#360). It is potentially a minor breaking change. If you have non-implemented interfaces in your schema, you can temporary remove InterfaceMustHaveImplementationValidationRule schema validation rule.

    ➕ Added a small Cache abstraction and replaced TrieMap-based cache implementation with ConcurrentHashMap. This change introduces potential minor performance improvements and compatibility with GraalVM native-image.

    ➕ Added toAst helper for different schema elements, like fields, enum values and types (#367)

    ➕ Added macro setting to transform enum values' names with a macro setting (#350). Big thanks to @fehu for this contribution! The UppercaseValues macro setting is now deprecated in favour of more flexible TransformValueNames.

    🛠 Fixed typo in BeforeFieldResult field name (#363). Big thanks to @Codier for this contribution!

    Adjusted KnownTypeNames validation to not validate SDL definitions because they are validated in the schema materializer (#354).

    ➕ Added option to disable parsing of AST locations and comments (#357)

    Don't allow ObjectTypes derived from case classes to overwrite each other (#345) Big thanks to @simonsaffer for this contribution!

    👌 Improved query parsing performance by optimizing the AST location tracking (#351). Big thanks to @guymers for this contribution!

    🛠 Fixed new line tracking when parsing block-strings

    🏗 Ast schema builder now considers additionalTypes when it validates the type extensions

    ⚡️ Updated sangria-marshalling-api to version 1.0.3 (should be backwards compatible with v1.0.0).