Quill v3.8.0 Release Notes

  • Migration Notes:

    The quill-jdbc-zio contexts' .run method was designed to work with ZIO in an idiomatic way. As such, the environment variable of their return type including the zio.blocking.Blocking dependency. This added a significant amount of complexity. Instead of ZIO[Has[Connection], SQLException, T], the return type became ZIO[Has[Connection] with Blocking, SQLException, T]. Instead of ZIO[Has[DataSource with Closeable], SQLException, T], the return type became ZIO[Has[DataSource with Closeable] with Blocking, SQLException, T]. Various types such as QConnection and QDataSource were created in order to encapsulate these concepts but this only led to additional confusion. Furthermore, actually supplying a Connection or DataSource with Closeable required first peeling off the with Blocking clause, calling a .provide, and then appending it back on. The fact that a Connection needs to be opened from a Data Source (which will typically be a Hikari connection pool) further complicates the problem because this aforementioned process needs to be done twice. All of leads to the clear conclusion that the with Blocking construct has bad ergonomics. For this reason, the ZIO team has decided to drop the concept of with Blocking in ZIO 2 altogether.

    As a result of this, I have decided to drop the with Blocking construct in advance. Quill queries resulting from the run(qry) command and still run on the blocking pool but with Blocking is not included in the signature. This also means that and the need for QConnection and QDataSource disappears since they are now just Has[Connection] and Has[Datasource with Closeable] respectively. This also means that all the constructors on the corresponding objects e.g. QDataSource.fromPrefix("myDB") are not consistent with any actual construct in QIO, therefore they are not needed either.

    Instead, I have introduced a simple layer-constructor called DataSourceLayer which has a .live implementation which converts ZIO[Has[Connection], SQLException, T] to ZIO[Has[DataSource with Closeable], SQLException, T] by taking a connection from the data-source and returning it immediately afterward, this is the analogue of what QDataSource.toConnection use to do. You can use it like this:

    def hikariDataSource: DataSource with Closeable = ...
    val zioConn: ZLayer[Any, Throwable, Has[Connection]] = 
      Task(hikariDataSource).toLayer >>> DataSourceLayer.live

    You can also use the extension method .onDataSource (or .onDS for short) to do the same thing:

    def hikariDataSource: DataSource with Closeable = ...

    Also, constructor-methods fromPrefix, fromConfig, fromJdbcConfig and fromDataSource are available on DataSourceLayer to construct instances of ZLayer[Has[DataSource with Closeable], SQLException, Has[Connection]]. Combined with the toDataSource construct, these provide a simple way to construct various Hikari pools from a corresponding typesafe-config file application.conf.


    ๐Ÿšš Also note that the objects QDataSource and QConnection have not yet been removed. Instead, all of their methods ๐Ÿ—„ have been marked as deprecated and a comment on what calls using DataSourceLayer/onDataSource to use instead have been added.


    Similar changes have been made in quill-cassandra-zio. Has[CassandraZioSession] with Blocking has been replaced with just Has[CassandraZioSession] so now this is much easier to provide:

    val session: CassandraZioSession = _

    The ZioCassandraSession constructors however are all still fine to use:

     val zioSessionLayer: ZLayer[Any, Throwable, Has[CassandraZioSession]] =