LynxKite v1.4.0 Release Notes

    • You can now omit columns when importing something from a CSV file.
    • Moderate performance improvements for graph visualization.
    • The User's Guide contents are now integrated into LynxKite. Relevant help messages are provided through contextual popups, and the document is also available as a single page, ready for printing, through a new link at the bottom right.
    • New edge operation "Merge parallel edges by attribute" makes it possible for the user to merge those parallel edges between two vertices that have the same value for the given edge attribute.
    • Admins can download the last server log using the link http://<kite ip>:<kite port>/logs.
    • When running an EC2 cluster, you cannot directly reference s3 files as before (using the format s3n://AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID:AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY@bucket/path), see the changelog entry below about the data file prefix notation. Instead, for EC2 cluster we automatically setup the prefix S3 to point to s3n://AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID:AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY@. In practice this means that when using an EC2 cluster you need to refer to files on S3 as: S3$bucket/path.
    • Improved stability and graceful degradation. Not having enough memory now will only result in degraded performance not failures.
    • "Create scale-free random edge bundle" operation added which allows one to create a scale free random graph.
    • One can save a sequence of operations as a workflow. The feature is accessible from the project history editor/viewer and saved workflows show up as a new operation category.
    • Strings visualized as icons will be matched to neutral icons (circle, square, triangle, hexagon, pentagon, star) if an icon with the given name does not exist.
    • "PageRank" operation can now be used without weights.
    • Data files and directories can now only be accessed via a special prefix notation. For example, what used to be hdfs://nameservice1:8020/user/kite/data/uploads/file is now simply UPLOAD$/file. This enables the administrator to hide s3n passwords from the users; futhermore, it will be easier to move the data to another location. A new kiterc option KITE_PREFIX_DEFINITIONS can be used to provide extra prefixes (other than UPLOAD$) See the files kiterc_template and prefix_definitions.txt in directory kite_???/conf for details.
    • New aggregation method: count distinct
    • LynxKite pages can now be printed. Visualizations are also supported. This provides a method of exporting the visualization in a scalable vector graphics format.
    • Segmentation coverage is automatically calculated.
    • New vertex operation "Centrality" makes it possible to count approximate harmonic centrality values.