Laika v0.13.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2020-01-26 // about 4 years ago
  • New Integrated Syntax Highlighting

    • 📜 Introduce syntax highlighting based on Laika's own parsers
      • Resulting AST nodes for code spans are part of the document AST and
        can be processed or transformed like all other nodes
      • Works with any renderer, including PDF
      • Initially supported are Scala, Java, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript,
      • Convenient base parsers for common syntax like string and number literals
        or identifiers to facilitate development of new syntax highlighters
    • 📜 HOCON parser: add support for include statements, this final feature addition
      👉 makes Laika's HOCON support fully spec-compliant
    • 🆕 New transformation hooks in the laika-io module for parallel transformers:
      mapDocuments(Document => Document), evalMapDocuments(Document => F[Document])
      and the corresponsing mapTree and evalMapTree
    • 📜 Transformer introspection: introduce describe method for parsers, renderers
      🔌 and transformers and laikaDescribe setting in the sbt plugin that provides
      formatted information about the transformer setup and installed extensions
    • 🔌 sbt plugin: improved accuracy for caching logic for EPUB and PDF output
      that still works when the artifact name or version changes
    • ⬆️ Upgrade dependency on cats-core to 2.1.0