DIStage v0.10.12 Release Notes

Release Date: 2020-06-06 // almost 4 years ago
  • Izumi

    What is it?

    Izumi (jp. 泉水, spring) is an ecosystem of independent libraries and frameworks allowing you to significantly increase productivity of your Scala development.

    including the following components:

    1. distage – Transparent and debuggable Dependency Injection framework for pure FP Scala, ✅ 2. distage-testkit – Hyper-pragmatic pure FP Test framework. Shares heavy resources globally across all test suites; lets you easily swap implementations of component; uses your effect type for parallelism. 🐳 3. distage-framework-docker – A distage extension for using docker containers in tests or for local application runs, comes with example Postgres, Cassandra, Kafka & DynamoDB containers. 🔊 4. LogStage – Automatic structural logs from Scala string interpolations, 💅 5. BIO - A typeclass hierarchy for tagless final style with Bifunctor and Trifunctor effect types. Focused on ergonomics and ease of use with zero boilerplate. 🚚 6. izumi-reflect (moved to zio/izumi-reflect) - Portable, lightweight and kind-polymorphic alternative to scala-reflect's Typetag for Scala, Scala.js, Scala Native and (soon) Dotty ⚡️ 7. IdeaLingua (moved to 7mind/idealingua-v1) – API Definition, Data Modeling and RPC language, optimized for fast prototyping – like gRPC or Swagger, but with a human face. Generates RPC servers and clients for Go, TypeScript, C# and Scala, 🏗 8. Opinionated SBT plugins (moved to 7mind/sbtgen) – Reduces verbosity of SBT builds and introduces new features – inter-project shared test scopes and BOM plugins (from Maven)
    2. Percept-Plan-Execute-Repeat (PPER) – A pattern that enables modeling very complex domains and orchestrate deadly complex processes a lot easier than you're used to.

    🔄 Changes since 0.10.11

    🐳 distage-framework-docker:

    • ➕ Added support for dynamic container ports - allows passing randomly generated port to the container and then exposing that same port, it may be easier to configure some containers that way than by port remapping. by @Caparow (#1097)
    • 🚑 Hotfixed JDK 1.8 compatbility broken in 0.10.11 (#1100)

    🔀 Pull requests merged since 0.10.10:

    • 👷 Enable docker tests on CI (#1101)
    • 🛠 Fix Java 1.8 compatibility for PostreSqlProtocolCheck, run CI under JDK 8 (#1100)
    • 👍 Better availablePorts API, postgresSqlPortcheck API (#1099)
    • 🐳 distage-docker: dynamic ports (#1097)