FS2 v2.2.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2020-01-18 // over 4 years ago
  • πŸš€ This is the fourth release of the 2 series, featuring support for Cats 2 and Cats Effect 2.

    πŸš€ NOTE: This release has two significant bugs -- upgrade to 2.2.1 as soon as possible.

    πŸš€ This release is binary compatible with all prior 2.x releases. There is one breaking source change -- the compile.to[X] method has been removed in favor of compile.to(X).

    πŸš€ This release is built for Scala 2.12 and 2.13 and Scala.js 0.6.31. Scala 2.11 is no longer supported.

    Since 2.1.0, the following notable changes have occurred:

    πŸ”‹ Features:

    • βž• Added support for TLS/DTLS to fs2.io (#1717)
    • βž• Added debug and debugChunks (#1727)
    • βž• Added groupAdjacentByLimit (#1744)
    • βž• Added text.base64Encode and text.base64Decode (#1742)
    • βž• Added Stream.resourceWeak (#1683)

    🐎 Performance:

    • 🐎 Internal code simplification and performance improvements (#1728 #1729 #1730 #1731 #1732)
    • 🐎 Performance improvements to Chunk (#1712 #1715)
    • 🐎 Performance improvements to groupWithin (#1711)

    πŸ› Bugs:

    • πŸ›  Fixed .compile.to(X) syntax issue with Scala 2.12 (#1725)
    • Preserved failures in parJoin (#1682)

    πŸ‘€ For a full list of changes in 2.2.0, see: https://github.com/functional-streams-for-scala/fs2/pulls?q=is%3Apr+milestone%3A2.2.0+is%3Aclosed

    git shortlog -sn --no-merges "v2.1.0".."v2.2.0"
        84 Michael Pilquist
        17 Scala Steward
        10 Diego E. Alonso-Blas
         9 Paulius Imbrasas
         3 Diego E. Alonso Blas
         3 Ingar Abrahamsen
         2 Gabriel Volpe
         1 Jakub KozΕ‚owski
         1 Michael Smith
         1 Mihai Dincă
         1 Dmitry Polienko
         1 Zelenya
         1 Jose Labra
         1 mgibowski