form-binder v0.9.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2015-04-12 // about 9 years ago
  • 🔨 1. code refactoring and doc enhancement ⚠ 2. change FormBinder.bind (!!!WARNING: broken change for normal developers),


    // bind mappings to data,// consume it directly and return result, if validation passed;// return (processed) errors, if validation faileddef bind[T, R2, M \<: InputMode](mapping: Mapping[T, M], data: Map[String, String])(consume: T =\> R2)


    // bind mappings to data, and return an either, holding validation errors (left) or converted value (right);// let user to decide how to proceeddef bind[T, M \<: InputMode](mapping: Mapping[T, M], data: Map[String, String]): Either[R, T]