Fintrospect v12.0.2 Release Notes

    • 💥 Breaking change: Moved non-JSON ResponseBuilder classes to be consistent with other codecs. E.g. io.fintrospect.formats.xml.XmlResponseBuilder moves to io.fintrospect.formats.Xml.ResponseBuilder.
    • (Unlikely) Breaking change: Rename of ResponseBuilderMethods trait to AbstractResponseBuilder.
    • (Unlikely) Breaking change: Rename of SprayJson to Spray (for consistency).
    • 🗄 Deprecation of FintrospectModule to be replaced with ModuleSpec and Module for consistency.
    • ➕ Added support Circe JSON library out of the box. See Circe to get the Format util and ResponseBuilder for this format.
    • ➕ Added templating support for Mustache and Handlebars - similar to the JSON libraries, these require extra dependencies to be added to build.sbt.
    • ➕ Added StaticModule for serving static resources from the classpath.
    • ➕ Added SiteMapModuleRenderer for XML descriptions of web modules.
    • ➕ Added parenthesis for ResponseBuilder build() method for consistency.