Finatra v22.2.0 Release Notes

    • ⚡️ inject-modules: Deprecate c.t.inject.modules.LoggerModule. Update to mix in the util/util-slf4j-jul-bridge Slf4jBridge trait. The LoggerModule does not provide a solution inline with the best practices for bridging JUL to the SLF4J-API and users are encouraged to instead mix in the c.t.util.logging.Slf4jBridge into the main class of their application if necessary. The updates to will now properly bridge JUL to the SLF4J-API early in the constructor of the application catching any log messages emitted to JUL before where the bridging would have been attempted when using the LoggerModule.

    Note that the Slf4jBridge trait is already mixed into the c.t.server.TwitterServer trait and thus no further action is necessary for bridging JUL to the SLF4J-API in extensions of c.t.server.TwitterServer. PHAB_ID=D827584

    • 🗄 inject-slf4j: Deprecate c.t.inject.logging.Logging trait and methods. Users are encouraged to use the c.t.util.logging.Logging trait directly. There are no replacements for c.t.inject.logging.Logging#debugFutureResult and c.t.inject.logging.Logging#time. PHAB_ID=D821722