Finatra v20.2.1 Release Notes

  • ➕ Added

    * ✅ finatra-kafka-streams: Add method to `c.t.f.kafkastreams.test.TopologyTesterTopic` to write
      Kafka messages with custom headers to topics. ``PHAB_ID=D424440``
    * finatra-http: Add `toBufReader` to get the underlying Reader of Buf from StreamingResponse.
      If the consumed Stream primitive is not Buf, the returned reader streams a serialized
      JSON array. ``PHAB_ID=D434448``
    * 👍 inject-app: Add functions to `` to provide better
      ergonomics for Java users to call and use basic `App` lifecycle callbacks. 
    * inject-server: Add functions to `c.t.inject.server.AbstractTwitterServer` to provide 
      better ergonomics for Java users to call and use basic `TwitterServer` lifecycle 
      callbacks. ``PHAB_ID=D433874``
    * inject-slf4j: Add a way to retrieve the currently stored Local Context map backing the
      MDC. ``PHAB_ID=D431148``
    * 👍 finatra-jackson: Added new functionality in the `CaseClassDeserializer` to support more
      Jackson annotations during deserialization. See documentation for more information.
    * ✅ finatra: Add NullKafkaProducer for unit tests to avoid network connection failures in the log.
    🔄 Changed
    • ⚡️ finatra: Update Google Guice version to 4.2.0 PHAB_ID=D372886

    • finatra: Bumped version of Joda to 2.10.2 and Joda-Convert to 1.5. PHAB_ID=D435987

    • 🚚 finatra-jackson|finatra-http-annotations: Move http-releated Jackson "injectablevalues" annotations from finatra/jackson to finatra/http-annotations.

    Specifically the follow have changed packages, c.t.finatra.request.QueryParam --> c.t.finatra.http.annotations.QueryParam c.t.finatra.request.RouteParam --> c.t.finatra.http.annotations.RouteParam c.t.finatra.request.FormParam --> c.t.finatra.http.annotations.FormParam c.t.finatra.request.Header --> c.t.finatra.http.annotations.Header c.t.finatra.request.JsonIgnoreBody --> c.t.finatra.http.annotations.JsonIgnoreBody

    Users should update from finatra/jackson/src/main/java (finatra-jackson_2.12) to finatra/http-annotations/src/main/java (finatra-http-annotations_2.12). PHAB_ID=D418766

    • ⚡️ finatra-jackson: Updated Finatra Jackson integration to introduce a new ScalaObjectMapper and module to simplify configuration and creation of the mapper. See documentation for more information. PHAB_ID=D407284

    • 🚚 finatra-jackson: (BREAKING API CHANGE) Moved the java binding annotations, CamelCaseMapper and SnakeCaseMapper from c.t.finatra.annotations in finatra/jackson to c.t.finatra.json.annotations in finatra/json-annotations. Moved c.t.finatra.response.JsonCamelCase to c.t.finatra.json.annotations.JsonCamelCase which is also now deprecated. Users are encouraged to use the standard Jackson annotations or a mapper with the desired property naming strategy configured.

    Many exceptions for case class deserialization were meant to be internal to the framework but are useful or necessary outside of the internals of JSON deserialization. As such we have cleaned up and made most JSON deserialization exceptions public. As a result, all the exceptions have been moved from c.t.finatra.json.internal.caseclass.exceptions to c.t.finatra.jackson.caseclass.exceptions.

    c.t.finatra.json.internal.caseclass.exceptions.CaseClassValidationException has been renamed to c.t.finatra.jackson.caseclass.exceptions.CaseClassFieldMappingException. JsonInjectException, JsonInjectionNotSupportedException, and RequestFieldInjectionNotSupportedException have all been deleted and replaced with c.t.finatra.jackson.caseclass.exceptions.InjectableValuesException which represents the same error cases.

    The FinatraJsonMappingException has been removed. Users are encouraged to instead use the general Jackson JsonMappingException (which the FinatraJsonMappingException extends).

    RepeatedCommaSeparatedQueryParameterException has been moved tom finatra/http. PHAB_ID=D407284

    🛠 Fixed

    * 👍 finatra-jackson: Access to parameter names via Java reflection is not supported in Scala 2.11.
      Added a work around for the parsing of case class structures to support JSON deserialization in
      Scala 2.11 and forward. ``PHAB_ID=D431837``
    * finatra-jackson: Fix for enforcing "fail on unknown properties" during deserialization. Previously,
      the `CaseClassDeserializer` was optimized to only read the fields in the case class constructor
      from the incoming JSON and thus ignored any unknown fields during deserialization. The fix will
      now properly fail if the `DeserializationFeature` is set or if the `JsonProperties` is configured
      accordingly. ``PHAB_ID=D407284``