Finagle v7.0.0 Release Notes

  • ๐Ÿ†• New Features

    * ๐Ÿ”ง finagle-core: A `StackClient` can be configured with a `c.t.u.tunable.Tunable`
      request timeout using `.withRequestTimeout(tunable)`; this facilitates changing
      the timeout at runtime, without server restart.
      See for details.
    * finagle-core: `SslClientSessionVerifier` and `SslServerSessionVerifier` have been added
      as `Stack` params for executing custom SSL/TLS `Session` verification logic on the
      establishment of an SSL/TLS `Session`. ``PHAB_ID=D63256``
    * finagle-core: `tls` methods which take an `SslClientSessionVerifier` have
      been added to `ClientBuilder` and `ClientTransportParams`
      (withTransport.tls). `tls` methods which take an `SslServerSessionVerifier`
      have been added to `ServerBuilder` and `ServerTransportParams`
      (withTransport.tls). ``PHAB_ID=D68645``
    * 0๏ธโƒฃ finagle-core: Timer tasks submitted to the `c.t.f.util.DefaultTimer` can have their
      execution time monitored. Slow executing tasks may result in a log message at level WARN
      and a counter of slow tasks is kept under `finagle/timer/slow`. This can be enabled using
      the global flag `c.t.f.util.defaultTimerProbeSlowTasks` and the maximum allowed runtime
      and minimum duration between log messages can be tuned using the global flags
      `c.t.f.util.defaultTimerSlowTaskMaxRuntime`, and
      `c.t.f.util.defaultTimerSlowTaskLogMinInterval`, respectively. ``PHAB_ID=D70279``
    * ๐Ÿšš finagle-core: The JVM metrics for GC, allocations, memory, and more have moved
      here from TwitterServer. See the new JVM section in the user guide for details:
    * finagle-http, finagle-thriftmux: `MethodBuilder` has been promoted out of experimental.
      `MethodBuilder` is a collection of APIs for client configuration at a higher level than
      the Finagle 6 APIs while improving upon the deprecated `ClientBuilder`.
      See the user guide for details:
    * finagle-http: add `withNoAutomaticContinue` api to disable automatically sending 100 CONTINUE
      responses. ``PHAB_ID=D80017``
    * finagle-http: The nack related logic in the `c.t.f.h.c.HttpClientDispatcher` has been
      moved into a filter, `c.t.f.h.f.ClientNackFilter` which has been added to the client
      stack and can now be removed based on its `Stack.Role`. ``PHAB_ID=D78902``
    * ๐Ÿ‘ finagle-init: Introduce a module to support service-loading initialization
      code. ``PHAB_ID=D75950``
    * ๐Ÿ‘ finagle-memcached: Added support for partitioned backends in finagle client. Introducing
      the new PartitioningService (``PHAB_ID=D75143``), KetamaPartitioningService (``PHAB_ID=D77499``)
      and MemcachedPartitioningService (``PHAB_ID=D78927``), which provide this support at different
      levels of abstraction. The c.t.f.Memcached util, that is used for creating new memcached
      clients, now creates a new partitioning client that utilizes these new services for the
      Memcached protocol. The new memcached client can be enabled by setting the toggle
      "com.twitter.finagle.memcached.UsePartitioningMemcachedClient" to 1.0. ``PHAB_ID=D80352``
    * 0๏ธโƒฃ finagle-mux: Default to new more efficient decoder. ``PHAB_ID=D80225``
    * ๐Ÿ‘ finagle-mysql: `IsolationLevel` support was added with
      `Transactions.transactionWithIsolation` method, so the default level can be overridden
      at the transaction level. ``PHAB_ID=D68944``
    * ๐Ÿ‘ finagle-mysql: Add support for unsigned integers. When enabled, unsigned integers that do
      not fit into the existing signed representation are widened. For example an unsigned
      Int32 is represented as a Java Long, etc. Because this changes the `c.t.f.mysql.Value`
      variant returned by the row, it is disabled by default and must be enabled with the param
      `c.t.f.Mysql.param.UnsignedColumns`. ``PHAB_ID=D78721``
    * 0๏ธโƒฃ finagle-netty4: Adds support for passing a chain file to the default TLS implementation.
    * 0๏ธโƒฃ finagle-netty4: Netty 4 transports now use pooled allocators by default. ``PHAB_ID=D75014``
    * finagle-netty4: `KeyCredentials.CertKeyAndChain` is now available to use with
      `Netty4ServerEngineFactory`. ``PHAB_ID=D80494``
    * 0๏ธโƒฃ finagle-netty4: `c.t.f.netty4.trackReferenceLeaks` is now a CLI flag (default: disabled)
      rather than a toggle. ``PHAB_ID=D80654``
    * finagle-stats: Metrics now report verbosity levels via `MetricsView.verbosity`.
    * 0๏ธโƒฃ finagle-stats: `JsonExporter` now respects verbosity levels (current default behavior is
      to keep exporting "debug" metrics). Adjust `com.twitter.finagle.stats.verbose` tunable
      whitelist to change it.  ``PHAB_ID=D79571``
    * finagle-tunable: `StandardTunableMap` is now public. Users can access file-based, in-memory,
      and service-loaded tunable values using the map.
      See for details.
    * finagle: Changed dependencies of Netty from 4.1.10 to 4.1.12. ``PHAB_ID=D60438``
    ๐Ÿ› Bug Fixes
    * finagle-mysql: Fix decoding error for medium length integers. ``PHAB_ID=D78505``
    ๐Ÿ’ฅ Breaking API Changes
    • finagle: Finagle is now decoupled from Netty 3. Depend on finagle-netty3 explicitly if needed. PHAB_ID=D65268

    • ๐Ÿ”จ finagle-base-http: The HTTP message model has been refactored to remove backing Netty 3 types. Additionally, the Request and Response classes now have private constructors to enforce a more appropriate inheritance model: Request.Proxy and Response.Proxy are now the point of entry for extending the HTTP model types. Along with the model changes the InputStream generated .getInputStream() method of HTTP messages no longer consumes the messages body. PHAB_ID=D74519

    • finagle-core: The Framer type has been transformed into a specialized version of a more generic abstraction, Decoder[T]. PHAB_ID=D59495

    • finagle-core: Replace the c.t.f.context.RemoteInfo.Available constructor which takes ClientId in favor of a version taking String. ClientId is Twitter's Thrift specific concept and this should be more generic. PHAB_ID=D60136

    • ๐Ÿšš finagle-core: Remove the ability to set a global address sort. This is no longer necessary as setting this per client is sufficient. PHAB_ID=D60698

    • ๐Ÿšš finagle-core: Remove global flag com.twitter.finagle.tracing.debugTrace. This functionality is better suited as a concrete Tracer implementation instead of mixed into the generic code. PHAB_ID=D63252

    • finagle-core: PHAB_ID=D63526

      • ClientBuilder.codec and ServerBuilder.codec have been removed. Use .stack instead.
      • ClientBuilder.channelFactory and ServerBuilder.channelFactory have been removed. Use .stack instead.
    • finagle-core: LoadBalancerFactory now takes Stack.Params which allows a client to more easily pass in the stack context. PHAB_ID=D73129

    • finagle-memcached: Add c.t.util.Closable trait to c.t.f.memcached.BaseClient. PHAB_ID=D63970

    • finagle-mysql: A number of implementation details were made private such as specific Row implementations and ResultSet builder functions that consume raw packets. PHAB_ID=D78721

    • finagle-netty4-http: HTTP/1.1 implementation based on Netty 4 is no longer experimental and is moved out of the exp package. PHAB_ID=D80181

    • ๐Ÿ“‡ finagle-serversets: Remove ZkMetaData.AddressOrdering, it is no longer used. PHAB_ID=D60698`

    • finagle-stats: c.t.f.stats.MetricsStatsReceiver no longer has constructor variants which take a as util-events is now deprecated. PHAB_ID=D64437

    • ๐Ÿšš finagle-thrift: The Netty3 thrift implementation has been removed. PHAB_ID=D63670

    • finagle-zipkin-core: c.t.f.zipkin.core.SamplingTracer no longer has constructor which takes a as util-events is now deprecated. PHAB_ID=D64437

    • finagle-zipkin: Zipkin Tracer now exports only three counters: requests, failures, success. PHAB_ID=D71965

    โš™ Runtime Behavior Changes

    * finagle-core: The `AsyncSemaphore` which sequences dispatches in `GenSerialClientDispatcher`
      is now failed with a retryable `Failure` so that the retry logic knows that requests that
      which failed to acquire the semaphore are safe to retry. ``PHAB_ID=D78904``
    * finagle-http: `serverErrorsAsFailuresV2` toggle is turned into a flag `serverErrorsAsFailures`.
    * finagle-http: Dispatcher stats are now exported under the client scope like
      all other client stats.``PHAB_ID=D72265``
    * finagle-http: It's now possible to send a response from the HTTP server that has a
      Content-Length header so long as the 'Transfer-Encoding: chunked' isn't set on the response.
    * finagle-http: Non-streaming servers strip 'expect' headers when a 100 CONTINUE
      response is sent. ``PHAB_ID=D80017``
    * finagle-serversets: `Stabilizer` is no longer exporting `pending_tasks` and `deviation_ms`
      stats. See `notify_ms` instead.  ``PHAB_ID=D65571``
    * finagle-stats, finagle-zipkin-core: No longer publishing `` as util-events
      is now deprecated. ``PHAB_ID=D64437``
    * finagle-stats: No longer backed by commons metrics, now its own thing.  ``PHAB_ID=D73497``
    * 0๏ธโƒฃ finagle-netty4: Unset Netty's default timeout (10 seconds) for SSL handshake on clients.
      Use `.withSession.acquisitionTimeout` instead.  ``PHAB_ID=D78500``