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Avg Release Cycle
69 days
Latest Release
1512 days ago

Changelog History
Page 2

  • v0.16.3 Changes

    October 02, 2018

    🐛 bug fixes

    • 🛠 fix scenario filtering for cornichon-test-framework #185

    👌 improvements

    🔊 when ignoring scenarios or features, the reason passed as parameter will now be printed in the logs to ease debugging

    🔧 a new function ignoredIfDefined is available on Scenario and Feature to enable dynamic toggling based on configuration.

    val config = loadMyConfig()val toggle: Option[String] =if (config.ignoreThatFeature) Some("ignored due to local configuration") else Nonedef feat = Feature("important feature).ignoredIfDefined(toggle) {...}

    ⚡️ dependency updates

    • cats 1.4.0
    • circe 0.10.0
  • v0.16.2 Changes

    August 21, 2018

    💥 breaking changes

    • 👌 support for scala 2.11 is discontinued as it caused more issues than I am willing to handle
    • the custom extractor SimpleMapper lost its factory method fromFct. (use the case class constructor instead)
    • ✂ remove unecessary type parameter on ResourceStep

    👌 improvements

    • 🔊 eventually will now show in the logs all distinct errors encountered to ease debugging
    • 🆕 new custom extractor RandomMapper(generator: Random ⇒ String) to generate random data in placeholders
    • internal caches are now done properly by using caffeine
    • ✅ limit parallelism of scenario execution in cornichon-test-framework in function of the number of cores
    • ⚡️ cornichon-kafka updated to support Kafka 2.0
    • ⚡️ sbt-updates is not pushed as a dependency anymore
    • 📚 introduction of new documentation sub-sections
  • v0.16.1 Changes

    June 18, 2018

    🐛 Bug fixes

    • 👉 make sure nested steps of Eventually do not run forever 1f10307

    🆕 New features

    • ➕ add isNot on session_value DSL 3dc9dbb

    👌 Improvements

    👌 improve error reporting when the underlying key of a JsonMapper is missing 145ebc1

    ⬇ decrease allocations in DSL's macro to improve compilation time e57a799

  • v0.16.0 Changes

    May 14, 2018

    Artifacts renamed

    • cornichon to cornichon-scalatest
    • cornichon-experimental to cornichon-test-framework

    🏗 This offers more clarity and flexibility in the choice of build tools.

    🏗 For the ScalaTest flavor which integrates nicely with various build tools and CI pipeline:

    // SBTlibraryDependencies += "com.github.agourlay" %% "cornichon-scalatest" % "0.16.0" % Test

    ✅ For a more lightweight version without ScalaTest which works only with SBT and Mill:

    // SBTlibraryDependencies += "com.github.agourlay" %% "cornichon-test-framework" % "0.16.0" % TesttestFrameworks += new TestFramework("com.github.agourlay.cornichon.framework.CornichonFramework")
    // Millobject test extends Tests{ def ivyDeps = Agg(ivy"com.github.agourlay::cornichon-test-framework:0.16.0") def testFrameworks = Seq("com.github.agourlay.cornichon.framework.CornichonFramework") }

    Potential breaking changes

    • ⬆️ upgrade to akka 2.5 and akka-http 10.1.1

    👌 Improvements

    • 🐎 various performance improvements
    • ⚡️ update internal dependencies to cats 1.x ecosystem
  • v0.15.3 Changes

    February 22, 2018

    🐛 Bug fixes

    • 🛰 Ignoring fields on JsonSteps will now also ignore the fields if they are present in the provided expected payload 9b7e530