











44 Extensions packages and projects

  • cats

    9.7 8.9 Scala
    Lightweight, modular, and extensible library for functional programming.
  • scala.meta

    8.4 9.8 Scala
    Library to read, analyze, transform and generate Scala programs
  • The APIs are flexible and easy-to-use, supporting authentication, user identity, and complex enterprise features like SSO and SCIM provisioning.
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  • Scalaz

    9.6 8.4 Scala
    Principled Functional Programming in Scala
  • Scalactic

    8.6 9.0 Scala
    A testing tool for Scala and Java developers
  • refined

    8.6 8.6 Scala
    Refinement types for Scala
  • tinylog

    6.9 8.6 L2 Java
    tinylog is a lightweight logging framework for Java, Kotlin, Scala, and Android
  • Monocle

    8.7 8.3 Scala
    Optics library for Scala
  • Eff

    6.7 8.8 Scala
    Eff monad for cats - https://atnos-org.github.io/eff
  • scribe

    6.2 8.6 Scala
    The fastest logging library in the world. Built from scratch in Scala and programmatically configurable.
  • Twitter Util

    9.5 6.3 Scala
    Wonderful reusable code from Twitter
  • Ammonite-Ops

    9.2 8.6 Scala
    Scala Scripting
  • Chimney

    8.0 9.6 Scala
    Scala library for boilerplate-free, type-safe data transformations
  • Shapeless

    9.5 7.5 Scala
    Generic programming for Scala
  • n-scala

    7.6 7.2 Scala
    A new Scala wrapper for Joda Time based on scala-time
  • Simulacrum

    7.6 3.7 Scala
    First class syntax support for type classes in Scala
  • better-files

    8.5 4.3 Scala
    Simple, safe and intuitive Scala I/O
  • Log4s

    4.3 2.6 Scala
    High-performance SLF4J wrapper for Scala.
  • Enumeratum

    8.3 5.7 Scala
    A type-safe, reflection-free, powerful enumeration implementation for Scala with exhaustive pattern match warnings and helpful integrations.
  • Quicklens

    7.5 7.7 Scala
    Modify deeply nested case class fields
  • Scala Graph

    6.8 7.1 Scala
    Graph for Scala is intended to provide basic graph functionality seamlessly fitting into the Scala Collection Library. Like the well known members of scala.collection, Graph for Scala is an in-memory graph library aiming at editing and traversing graphs, finding cycles etc. in a user-friendly way.
  • Scala Async

    8.2 5.9 Scala
    An asynchronous programming facility for Scala
  • Scala-Logging

    7.8 6.3 Scala
    Convenient and performant logging library for Scala wrapping SLF4J.
  • chronoscala

    4.1 7.1 Scala
    A JSR-310 port of nscala_time
  • Play monadic actions

    4.0 0.0 Scala
    A simple scala DSL to allow clean and monadic style for Play! Actions
  • Lamma

    3.1 0.0 Scala
    Lamma schedule generator for Scala is a professional schedule generation library for periodic schedules like fixed income coupon payment, equity deravitive fixing date generation etc.
  • Hamsters

    5.4 0.0 Scala
    A mini Scala utility library
  • Squid

    4.5 0.0 Scala
    Squid – type-safe metaprogramming and compilation framework for Scala
  • Each

    5.3 0.0 Scala
    A macro library that converts native imperative syntax to scalaz's monadic expressions
  • enableIf.scala

    3.3 4.6 Scala
    A library that toggles Scala code at compile-time, like #if in C/C++
  • Records for Scala

    4.2 0.0 Scala
    Labeled records for Scala based on structural refinement types and macros.
  • Freasy Monad

    3.2 0.0 Scala
    Easy way to create Free Monad using Scala macros with first-class Intellij support.
  • Sauron

    4.1 0.0 Scala
    Yet another Scala lens macro
  • wvlet-log

    2.3 0.0 Scala
    A library for enhancing your application logs with colors and source code locations.
  • Freedsl

    2.0 0.0 Scala
    Practical effect composition library based on abstract wrapping type and the free monad
  • idid

    1.1 0.0 Scala
    A common interface for different Id types
  • pico-event

    1.3 0.0 Scala
    Tiny publish subscribe library
  • LArray

    6.0 0.0 Scala
    Large off-heap arrays and mmap files for Scala and Java
  • Stateless Future

    4.8 0.0 Scala
    Asynchronous programming in fully featured Scala syntax.
  • Freestyle

    6.9 0.0 Scala
    A cohesive & pragmatic framework of FP centric Scala libraries
  • Scala Blitz

    4.5 0.0 Scala
    Scala framework for efficient sequential and data-parallel collections -
  • Resolvable

    2.1 0.0 Scala
    A library to optimize fetching immutable data structures from several endpoints in several formats.
  • Rapture

    4.9 0.0 Scala
    a collection of libraries for common, everyday programming tasks (I/O, JSON, i18n, etc.)
  • Persist-Logging

    2.2 0.0 Scala
    Scala Logging Library
  • Cassovary

    8.4 0.0 Scala
    Cassovary is a simple big graph processing library for the JVM

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